Jacquie Ottman's
Green Marketing Blog
EPA’s Role in Advancing Sustainable Products—and You
September 23, 2010 by Jacquelyn Ottman
According to a new entry in the Federal Register, EPA is now soliciting individual stakeholder input regarding the Agency’s role in the “green” or sustainable products movement. The Agency will consider the information gathered from the Federal Register notice as well as from other sources as it works to define its role and develop a strategy that identifies how EPA can make a meaningful contribution to the development, manufacture, designation, and use of sustainable products.
This represents an important opportunity for those of us in the green marketing world to move from the current “wild west” state we now inhabitat, to one a more settled climate of credible information and level playing field for well-intended manufacturers and marketers.
Comment now yourself! I personally will be calling for: a simplified, affordable form of life cycle assessment upon which we can screen environmental claims, and ideally, assess product concepts before products are brought to market; and a national environmental labelling program built upon some of the best ecolabeling concepts out there including EPA’s own ecolabeling programs, the Green Seal, HP’s EcoHighlights logo and Timberland’s Green index.
EPA has demonstrated the ability to achieve 93% awareness for its Energy Star label. Wouldn’t it be great if they can put that kind of marketing savvy and muscle behind other EPA as well as non-EPA government labels, namely Design for Environment (DFE), WaterSense, and USDA’s Organic and soon to be released BioPreferred* labels?
Comment by October 19, 2010 at this link: http://www.federalregister.gov/articles/2010/09/16/2010-23123/epas-role-in-advancing-sustainable-products
*USDA BioPreferred is a client of J. Ottman Consulting, Inc.
Jacquie Ottman is an expert and author on green marketing, serving Fortune 500, entreprenuerial and government clients.The author of three books on green marketing, her latest, The New Rules of Green Marketing will be released in Fall 2010.