
5th Annual National Zero Waste Conference

The 4th Annual National Zero Waste Conference, by The US Zero Waste Business Council, will demonstrate how Zero Waste can be a key part of business climate change and sustainability plans by reducing greenhouse gases and increasing operating efficiencies. Experts from a diverse range of industries will share innovative ideas, practical tools, and first-hand experience at creating value for their business through Zero Waste.

Jacquie Ottman is proud to be a promotional partner of this conference.

Date: June 1-4, 2016

Location: Sheraton Austin Hotel at the Capitol; Austin, TX


Reuse NYC Annual Conference

The ReuseNYC Annual Conference, presented by NYC Center for Materials Reuse and funded by NYC Department of Sanitation, focuses on the challenges shared by reuse organizations and examines strategies to improve operations and promote materials reuse locally, nationally, and internationally. It is the only New York City wide conference dedicated to reuse and the nonprofits that use donated goods to further their social and environmental missions.

Date: Monday, June 27, 2016, 9am to 4pm

Location: New York Academy of Sciences, 250 Greenwich St - 40th floor, New York, NY


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