Jacquie Ottman's
Green Marketing Blog
Green Marketing: What Not to Say
October 22, 2008 by Jacquelyn Ottman
Don’t join the growing number of marketers throwing around phrases like “environmentally friendly,” “Earth friendly,” and “ozone friendly.” While such claims have a calming ring, they can be very misleading. Here's how to avoid some common traps.
The simple fact is, there is no such thing as an "eco-friendly" product; all use resources and create waste to some degree. To avoid such confusion in the marketplace, the Federal Trade Commission introduced its Environmental Marketing Guidelines in 1992. Some are some key takeaways.
- Be specific. Marketers are liable not only for inaccurate statements but also for consumers' misinterpretations of their claims, as Shell recently discovered. So, don’t just say recycled content or show a chasing-arrows recycling logo (both of which could signal 100% recycled content). Instead, say carton made from 100% recycled paperboard, or minimum 30% post-consumer fiber.
- Don't overstate. Biotas water bottle was theoretically biodegradable, but not compostable in backyard composters or even many municipal composting facilities. Bad press from this claim helped sink the company. (Watch out for Brooks Sports' "biodegradable" footwear insole, which looks poised to make the same mistake.)
- Qualify terms such as refillable, energy-efficient, and reusable. Answer the key questions: How much? For how long? By whom? Where? Compared to what? Avoid saying recyclable, if products or packaging are theoretically recyclable but not collected by municipal recycling programs.
The next time you feel the itch to get a bit too friendly with your environmental claims, know that other green marketing professionals are taking note.
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