Jacquie Ottman's
Green Marketing Blog
New E-Report on What 2012 FTC Green Guides Update Means for Marketers
September 16, 2013 by Jacquelyn Ottman
I’m delighted to announce my new e-book on what the 2012 FTC Green Guides mean for marketers. It’s entitled, “How to Make Credible Green Marketing Claims: What Marketers Need to Know about the Updated FTC Green Guides.” It is being published today by Ad Age.
I had the pleasure of collaborating on it with David Mallen, Deputy Director and chief of environmental claims of the National Advertising Division (NAD). (NAD is the industry’s self-regulatory body, an out of court way to resolve claims disputes.)
About The FTC Green Guides on Environmental Marketing
For readers not familiar with it, the FTC published the first edition of the Green Guides in 1992. Their goal: to help advertisers avoid making deceptive or misleading
environmental marketing claims. These Guides are the go-to standards for green marketing claims and have counterparts in Canada, UK and Australia.
No More Planets, Babies and Daisies
The FTC Green Guides have been updated from time to time as the green marketing landscape has evolved. This latest update, issued on October 1, 2012, addresses new terms such as ‘carbon offsets’ and ‘renewable materials’. It spotlights the use of eco-seals and certifications.
Importantly, as I pointed out in my post when they were published last year, it all but eliminates the use of terms, images, and other ways to communicate generalized environmental claims such as ‘green’, ‘environmentally friendly’ and ‘eco-friendly.”
Here’s What’s Included in My New E-Book on the Updated FTC Green Guides
- An overview of the FTC Green Guides and how they can help businesses reduce risks of greenwash and overcome consumer ‘green fatigue’
- Several case studies from the NAD, FTC and other bodies of well-known brands whose claims have been called into question with lessons learned
- My 43-item “Ottman Checklist for Credible Green Marketing” — its first time in print. It guides businesses step-by-step through a process for ensuring they stay in check with the Guides
- 5 additional strategies for underscoring credibility — including a discussion as to why cause marketing may be dead.
- 7 charts and graphs of hot-off-the-press data on consumer attitudes towards green claims, eco-labels, etc., (also provided as a free PowerPoint).
- A detailed discussion of what’s new to the FTC Green Guides since they were last updated in 1998 (in a word, a lot!)
10% Discount Available to Clients and Friends of J. Ottman Consulting
Ad Age has generously extended a 10% discount to our friends, so I hope you’ll take advantage of it.
To learn more about this new report and to buy a copy at the special 10% discount, simply LINK HERE to visit Ad Age’s website, and use discount code: RR10J
What Industry Leaders Say About “How to Make Credible Green Marketing Claims: What Marketers Need to Know about the Updated FTC Green Guides.”
“Jacquelyn Ottman and David Mallen have written a tight and practical roadmap for navigating around greenwashing and green-fatigue in today’s crowded eco-Marketplace. With a range of great examples and case studies, “How To Make Credible Green Marketing Claims” should be required reading for brand marketing and claims review pros in the CPG and FMCG industries.”
Dave Stangis
Vice President, Public Affairs and Corporate Responsibility
The Campbell Soup Company
President, Campbell Soup Foundation
“A well informed, well-written treatise on the why’s and how’s of fielding an environmentally respectful product from two of the top experts in the field. This guide to the recently released FTC Green Guides will assist you in avoiding missteps as you work to update your product for the 21st century. If you’re hoping to get on trend and share the details of your environmentally upgraded product, you can’t afford not to be fully versed in the latest FTC Green Guide mandates. Herein lies your instruction set.”
KoAnn Skrzyniarz
Sustainable Brands
Related Readings
- J. Ottman Blog Post: ‘Upshot of FTC Revised Green Guides’
- J. Ottman ‘GreenPaper’ on Greenwash - Free Download
- J. Ottman Video: Sustainable Brands Keynote on Greenwash
About Jacquie Ottman
Jacquie Ottman is an expert advisor on green marketing and eco-innovation to corporate sustainability leaders and US government
eco-labeling programs. She is the founder and principal of New York City-based,J. Ottman Consulting. She is the author of the highly acclaimed, The New Rules of Green Marketing: Strategies, Tools and Inspiration for Sustainable Branding (Berrett-Koehler, 2011). It was named by Cambridge University (UK) as a top 40 sustainability book.
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