Jacquie Ottman's
Green Marketing Blog
40 Million Kilowatts in 40 Days
March 23, 2010 by Jacquelyn Ottman
Jenn Dolin, our old friend and client who’s now at Sylvania, invites you to take the Sylvania Earth Day Challenge. Representing a great way to get consumers involved in energy efficiency, Osram-Sylvania is challeging consumers to take energy-efficient actions at home and at work, that, in the 40 days leading up to Earth Day, will add up to 40 million kilowatt hours of energy savings.
Just visit their website, populated with easy, energy-efficiency actions for the home and office. Select the steps you’ll willing to do for 40 days, and see your energy savings grow and grow.
While you’re there, enter to win prizes like LED light bulbs prizes to national parks and a carbon-neutral trip to Disneyland.
Jenn reports they are half way to their goal. Learn more at earthday.sylvania.com
While you’re there, check out Sylvania’s other sustainability initiatives by linking here.
What on earth are you doing for Earth Day (sorry, couldn’t resist the pun)? Please let us know.
Follow Jacquie on Twitter: Twitter.com/jacquelynottman