In the News

Consumers Don’t Believe Your Green Ad Claims, Survey Finds - September 16, 2013

Advertising Age

Jack Neff of Ad Age highlights some key points from Jacquie Ottman and David Mallen's new report, "How to Make Credible Green Marketing Claims: What Marketers Need to Know About the Updated FTC Green Guides". The report will help advertisers avert  false green marketing claims.

Read the full article here.

Ad Age Releasing New Report on Navigating FTC Green Guides - September 16, 2013

Sustainable Brands

Jennifer Elks of Sustainable Brands reviews Jacquie Ottman's new report, "How to Make Credible Green Marketing Claims: What Marketers Need to Know about the Updated FTC Green Guides", co-authored with David Mallen of the National Advertising Division of the BBB, the industry self-regulatory arm.

Read the full article here.

Jacquie Ottman Recognized as Top 30 Sustainability Voices on Twitter - August 1. 2013

The Guardian UK

Jacquie Ottman honored to be named one of U.S.'s Top 30 sustainabilty voices on Twitter by Guardian UK. 

Link here to see her good company -- and learn about some new influential Twitterers to follow.

Marissa Feinberg Reflects on Five Years of GreenSpaces NYC

Triple Pundit, June 6, 2013

Marissa Feinberg of the GreenSpaces NYC co-working space,  reflects on five years of progress. Our Jacquie Ottman happy to be have watched the progress in what is now the "official clubhouse" for green business in NYC.

Congratulations to Marissa!

Great interview (as always) Raz Godelik of Triple

Pro-Environment Light Bulb Labeling Turns Off Conservatives, Study Finds - April 30, 2013

National Geographic

Who's greener — liberals or conservatives? Ottman has the answer in this article in National Geographic by Brian Handwerk. Read the entire article here.

Jacquie Ottman Recognized as Top Sustainability Blogger on Twitter - March 21, 2013

We're proud that our founder and principal, Jacquie Ottman, has been named one of the Top 30 Sustainability Bloggers on Twitter by She's in great company, too!  Read details -- and entire list here.

Waster-Haters Unite! 01-08-13

Sustainable Brands

Read Jennifer Elks' interview with Jacquie on 'We Hate To Waste' —a strategic resource for consumers and brands alike. 

Green Marketing Expert Launches 01-09-13

A Greener Big Apple

Michelle Hardy interviews Jacquie here on her latest endeavor of her new website, that will help conscious consumers curb wasteful behavior.

Hate Waste? New Site Offers Community, Action Ideas 01-09-13

Jeff McIntire-Strasburg wrote up an article summarizing the basics of and the importance of practical sustainability tips and posts.

Check it out here to learn more about the waste-hating initiative!


Launches January 7, 2013

We at J. Ottman Consulting seek to leverage the power of social media and acquire valuable new expertise that will assist our clients in finding new opportunities to help consumers live more sustainably. By launching, a curated consumer blog and website, we aim to build a robust community of ardent "Waste Watchers" who recognize the critical need to use resources more mindfully, and prevent waste and pollution before they are created. Their stories and strategies can lead to valuable insights into what new products, services, infrastructure, and communications can promote more responsible forms of consumption and in turn, help all consumers live better.

Read the full press release. 

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