In the News
Jacquie Ottman Tells Sustainable Brands Conference, “Promote Responsible Consumption”—or Else
Speaking the Unspeakable
We have long advocated the notion of responsible consumption, and we are delighted to see that the sustainability community may just be starting to come around, too. This item from our colleague, Andrew Winston cites Jacquie's talk at Sustainable Brands. Read Ottman’s keynote speech here.
Ottman’s “Green Marketing 101” Workshop – A Positive Review
Learn why there are no cookie cutter strategies in green marketing. MORE
Ottman Keynote Stresses, “Skip the Babies, Kill the Daisies and Pulverize the Planets”
Sustainable Brands 08 Blogpost
Read this blog post to learn from others say about Ottman’s keynote speech at Sustainable Brands 08. MORE
NPR Interviews Jacquie Ottman on “Green Fatigue”—Listen In Now!
The Prius of Diapers Tackles 'Green Fatigue'
Michelle Engel, a working mom, discusses whether gDiapers answer both her need for convenience and her desire to be eco-friendly. Green marketing specialist Jacquelyn Ottman explains why the diapers are grabbing parents' attention. MORE
Ottman Tells Auto Industry to Adopt Car Sharing Business Model
Automotive Design and Production's Going Green: The Challenges & The Solutions
The automotive industry faces increasing scrutiny from lawmakers, scientists and activists. Learn more about how automakers are responding to these demands in this article from Automotive Design and Production and look for quotes from Jacquelyn Ottman on this changing industry and the prospect of car sharing services as part of a transportation solution model. MORE
Minnesota Public Radio Asks Ottman, “Can Green Retailers Get Into The Black?”
Minnesota Public Radio, January 2008
Demand for green products is going mainstream—and retailers are getting on board. MORE
Treehugger Asks Ottman How to Stay Ahead of Green Competition
Amidst The Expanding Universe of Green Products
More green products are winning the spotlight daily. Treehugger turns to Jacquelyn Ottman for experienced words on staying ahead of the competition. MORE
Ottman Tracks History of Green Consumerism for
From Hippie to Hip,, June 2007
Jacquelyn Ottman is quoted in this piece from documenting green's shift from crunchy to mainstream. MORE
Ad Age Cites Ottman in “A World Gone Green”
Advertising Age, June 2007
Environmental awareness has not only tipped in the media, it's hit corporate boardrooms as well. We're delighted to have been quoted in this special report on eco-marketing written by Jim Hanas for Advertising Age. MORE
BusinessWeek Consults with Ottman on How to Market a Green Product
Business Week, March 2007
Make it your goal to show potential customers—enviromentally conscious or otherwise—exactly how your offering provides practical value. Click above to read a PDF or read the original article here.