J.Ottman Portrait

Workshop: Marketing Your Commitment to Biobased

Exciting new products and packages made from corn, soy, sugar cane and other biobased materials are fast coming to market to meet the needs of consumers looking for natural, renewable, and compostable alternatives to petroleum-based offerings. Many will bear the USDA's new USDA Certified Biobased label.

As consultants to the USDA BioPreferred program, we are uniquely qualified to help your team understand how to best position your biobased products to consumers and commercial customers, develop claims that can be scientifically verified, and otherwise maximize the marketing opportunities for biobased products.

Who Should Attend

This one-day, on-site workshop is designed for manufacturers, distributors, and marketers of products and packages made from biobased content who are considering or have been approved to use the USDA Certified Biobased label in their marketing.

It is specifically geared to the needs of professionals in marketing, sales, advertising and public relations, customer service, sustainability, technical support, product and package design, legal, labelling and environmental marketing claims, and government affairs.

Workshop Objectives

The goal of this workshop is to prepare participants to maximally and credibly leverage the business opportunity to market the USDA Certified Biobased label to all stakeholders, and specifically, to enable them to:

• Create customer demand by leveraging biobased content as support for product benefits;

• Understand the technical underpinnings and the marketing implications of the ASTM D6866 standard;

• Obtain a working knowledge of the USDA BioPreferred Brand Guidelines and Graphic Standards, learning how to properly use the label/ graphics in marketing;

• Learn how to develop claims consistent with the ASTM D6866 standard, the FTC Green Guides, and other accepted marketing communications standards;

• Explore opportunities for differentiating the USDA biobased certification from the competition and for promoting your certification to all stakeholders.

It is recommended for internal and external marketing and communications staff, legal, sales, customers, and retail sales. Ideal for individual businesses, as well as trade associations and conferences.


Conducted by Jacquie Ottman and Mark Eisen, expert consultants to USDA BioPreferred.

All workshops customized to clients needs and budget.

Learn More About Our Approach to Biobased Marketing

Link here to read Jacquie and Mark's recent blog post, "The Rise of the Biobased Economy".

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